Monthly Archives: September 2011

Carcinogenic arsenic is found in our food


Have you ever wondered why so many people get cancer nowadays? Read on! FDA study detected inorganic arsenic, a known carcinogen, at higher levels in chickens treated with the drug 3-Nitro® (Roxarsone) than in untreated chickens. This drug is also approved by FDA for weight gain (wonder if it is also making people fatter?). Pfizer […]

Flavors are added even to the “Not from concentrate” 100% orange juice


Before I start, some trivia. Did you know Pepsi owns Tropicana Juice and Coke owns Minute Maid? Now back to business. Orange Juice producers make it sound like the process is pretty straight forward: collect oranges, squeeze the juice out of them, pour it into the containers and ship to the stores. Here is an […]

Story of Hardwick, VT


Today I want to share a story of one Vermont town, called Hardwick. Its economic renaissance based on the local food culture was featured in NY Times. Here is the article: THIS town’s granite companies shut down years ago and even the rowdy bars and porno theater that once inspired the nickname “Little Chicago” have […]