Monthly Archives: July 2011

Amish food quality review


American mainstream culture considers Amish grown food to be something simple, wholesome, just off the 18th century pastoral image in a museum. Amish people live very simple life, dictated by “the order”, or Ordnung. Being a product of the past, Ordnung does not have any regulations or concerns about the use of pesticides and herbicides. […]

Water chlorination info


Water chlorination has been one of the major disease prevention treatments of the 20th century. While very effective, this solution has its down sides. As per 1993 research, water chlorination produces various byproducts, such as chloroform, bromodichloromethane, chlorodibromomethane, and bromoform.  The trihalomethanes,  are carcinogenic in the liver, kidney, and/or intestine of rodents  (From : NIH). […]