Monthly Archives: May 2011

Transgenic BT crops hook farmer on GMO seeds.


Transgenic BT crops damage insect community structure in the field. While lowering the need for chemicals to be applied to control major insect pests, beneficial organisms on the GMO field are less stable than that of regular crop field. Iit is much easier for minor insect pests developing to be major pest. A farmer willing to […]

GMO Abroad


  The following countries have banned GMO food: Austria, France, Greece, Hungary, Serbia, Germany and Luxembourg (From: EU GOV), India (From:Associated Press) and Venezuela. Note 1: one of the leaked US diplomatic cables call for economic retaliation against countries that ban GMO food (From: US Consular via Wikileaks). Note 2: US formally treats GMO foods as safe. GMO Labeling is optional in US (From:Dept […]

“Terminator” gene

“Terminator” gene: On March 3, 1998, a U.S. patent was granted to the Delta and Pine Land Company and the Agricultural Research Service of USDA for a method of genetically engineering plants to produce sterile seed. This technology, called the ”technology protection system,” was subsequently dubbed the ”terminator” gene technology. It has since received wide publicity. The terminator gene is likely […]

Effects of GM corn on mammalian health


A comparison of the effects of three GM corn varieties on mammalian health. (From: NIH and IJBS). Here is an abstract of the research. We present for the first time a comparative analysis of blood and organ system data from trials with rats fed three main commercialized genetically modified (GM) maize (NK 603, MON 810, MON 863), […]

About Genetically Modified foods (GMO)

About Genetically Modified food (GMO) Note: per definition, Organic food does not contain genetically modified ingredients, as per Section 205.105 of the National Organic Standards. (From USDA: link 1 and link 2) There are multiple aspects that should be considered when talking about GMO. First one has to do with the way how new genes […]

Library: recommended reading


There are several books I can personally recommend to read: The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals Great literature work, gives you an excellent insight into the origin of our food system. I could not stop reading it till the very end. An absolute must!       Everything I Want To Do […]

Community Supported Agriculture


Community Supported Agriculture: CSA is a system where you directly help the farmer and save money at the same time. In this system you prepay for the local farm produce in the winter or the spring, and during the summer’s harvest time you will get a weekly share from the local farm. Some CSA farms […]

Recycling Statistics from EPA

Municipal Solid Waste Generation, Recycling, and Disposal in the United States: Facts and Figures for 2008 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has collected and reported data on the generation and disposal of waste in the United States for more than 30 years. We use this information to measure the success of waste reduction and recycling programs across the country. […]

Paper vs Plastic bags

Paper vs Plastic bags, what is better for the environment? Here you can find several links to help you make an educated decision. According to EPA, both are equally bad. At this point in time, due to numerous constantly changing variables, they are unable to suggest which one of the two has the least environmental […]

Food history trivia

Trade dispute regarding export of growth hormone infused beef from US to EU. (From: FDA)   US Government considers retaliating against EU for resisting BT Corn (From: US Consulate via Wikileaks)   Monsanto bribes Indonesian Ministry of Environment official in order to repeal an unfavorable decree. (From: SEC and SEC)   Monsanto’s subsidiary Delta & […]

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